Wednesday 24 June 2015

Pokemon Mugen PC Games V2 New Update 2015

Pokemon Mugen PC Games V2 New Update 2015 play your favourite pokemon and collect as many as you can to fight another trainer. Never think that this game Will be in mugen edition, you don't need to use any emulator cause it released for pc edition. There are a lot of pokemon like pikachu, venusaur, hitmontop, scyther (my favourite one) and still there many other. Get it know to make sure you collect it cause animegames can not guaranteed link will available all of the time.

Pokemon Mugen PC Games Cover

Pokemon PC Games 2015

Pokemon PC Games Legend Pokemon

battle Pokemon PC Games Mugen

The music in the game really make us feel nostalgic with gba or nds edition. The most different one with the previous edition is the animation that included. Did you know? That every pokemon has their own ability and skills. One if them has 4 skill, like magic or do direct attack. There are 4 modes included in this one, like battle, versus, training and options.

Animegames will not try to write the change log, but if you need it just comment below. This what we shared here today is the latest edition, for more details i already included youtube files so you can check for the gameplay.

Everybody can change their own pokemon, just choose your best combination and show your ultimate skill. It will be better to combine like fire and thunder element, or just wind, fire and water.

Download Pokemon Mugen PC Games V2

How to install :
  1. Just download from link in this post
  2. Extract the files
  3. Run PokemonMugen
Show Gameplay 

Pokemon Mugen PC Games V2 New Update 2015


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's great, I have a recommendation however for the gameplay. Maybe instead of picking your moves, you can press one of the buttons and it can pick the move. That way your opponent can't see what move you pick (During 2 PLayer vs). Almost like Pokemon Stadium gameplay


    A: Thundershock
    B: Thunder Wave
    X: Quick Attack
    Y: Thunder

    Then you'd press the buttons and it would pick the move. Ergo, the Pokemon style gameplay. it would make it more fun and less of one of the players waiting for the other one to pick a move so they can counter it. Just my thoughts, good game though.

    1. You really have a good idea, but it will take much time to develop it. I will post your comment in my forum, hope someone will realize your idea.
